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        2013年06月09日 08:04
        Patten drills
        6. T: John’s late for school---often
        S1: John’s often late for school.
        (1) help his mother in the kitchen---sometimes 
        (2) go to the library---frequently
        (3) is washing the dishes---still
        (4) go to school on foot----always
        (5) go to the cinema with his parents---rarely
        (6) go to the pub after work---usually
        7. T: go to see my aunt in hospital
        S1: I came to see you yesterday but you were out. Where were you?
        S2: I went to see my aunt in hospital.
        (1) see my friend off at the airport
        (2) go to the butcher’s 
        (3) go for a picnic with a friend
        (4) visit the museum
        (5) go for a walk with my grandmother
        (6) do some shopping 
        (7) go to work
        (8) go to the bookstore
        8. T: watch television--- go to bed early 
        S1: Did you watch television yesterday evening?
        S2: No, I didn’t. I went to bed early.
        (1) go to a concert---stay at home
        (2) write an essay---write some letters
        (3) help John with his homework---do my own homework
        (4) have a date---go to the cinema alone
        (5) go jogging---read a book
        (6) visit Mary---go to see Amy
        9. T: go to the bookstore with my father
        S1: Did you spend the whole day in your room yesterday?
        S2: No, I went to the bookstore with my father in the afternoon.
        (1) go to a concert
        (2) plant flowers in the garden
        (3) go to the library to renew my books
        (4) go to the museum
        (5) buy my mother a pretty birthday present
        (6) go swimming 
        10. T: get up---been up for two hours
        S1: Has he got up yet?
        S2: Yes, he’s been up for two hours.
        (1) come back---been in college for a week
        (2) go to college--- been in college for a year
        (3) the film begin---been on for ten minutes
        (4) become an English teacher---been an English teacher for fifteen years
        (5) go to Shenzhen---been in Shenzhen for two weeks
        (6) come down with an illness---been ill for three days
        Copyright © 2003 - 2024 Changhua. All Rights Reserved 昌華留學 山東昌華出國服務有限公司 版權所有 魯ICP備13012893號-1
        地址: 山東省威海市環翠區文化中路52號 服務資質:教外綜資認字[2011] 413號 開發維護:威海點搜
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