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      4. 教育部授權:威海出國留學機構 | 煙臺出國留學機構 | 山東昌華出國服務有限公司
        2024年02月23日周五 | 門戶首頁 | 關于我們 | 留學資質 | 聯系我們
        當前位置: 首頁 新概念 新概念一冊口語練習(一)
        2013年06月09日 08:02
        1. very much, pardon, yes, excuse, this, 
        A: _____ me!
        B: Yes? 
        A: Is ____ your coat?
        B: __________?
        A: Is this your coat? 
        B: _____, it is. 
        A: Thank you _____.
        2. please, thank you, here, yes, sorry, no, very much
        A: My coat ____. ____ is my ticket. 
        B: ____, sir. Number seven. Here’s your coat. 
        A: This is not my coat.
        B: _____ sir. Is this your coat?
        A: _____, it isn’t.
        B: Is this it?
        A: ___, it is. Thank you ____.
        3. good morning, American, nice to meet you, this is 
        A: Good morning, Tom.
        B: _____, Dick.
        A: Tom, ____ Mary. She’s ____.  Mary, this is Tom. He’s German.
        B: Nice to meet you. 
        A: ______, too.
        4. I am, nationality, job, my name’s 
        A: I’m a new student. My name’s Tim.
        B:  Nice to meet you. ____ Jane.
        A: Are you French?
        B: Yes, ____. Are you French, too?
        A: No, I’m not. 
        B: What ____ are you?
        A: I’m Italian. 
        B: What’s your ____?
        A: I’m an engineer.
        5. he, fine, is, nice to see you, how are you
        A: Hello, Helen.
        B: Hi, Steven.
        A: _____ today?
        B: I’m ____, thank you. And you?
        A: I’m fine, thanks. How ____ Nike?
        B: ____ is fine, thanks. How is Emma?
        A: She’s very well, too.
        B: Goodbye, Steven. ____________.
        A: Nice to see you, too. Bye.
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        地址: 山東省威海市環翠區文化中路52號 服務資質:教外綜資認字[2011] 413號 開發維護:威海點搜
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          4. {关键词}